Ms. Arthur
6th grade English, History and PE
1. What are your students going to explore this quarter?
We are studying Ancient India then moving into China. We are also working on Writer’s Workshop.
2. How is your year going so far?
Pretty good!
3. What homework are you assigning?
Writer’s Workshop.
4. What long term projects are you doing?
Writer’s Workshop.
5. How long would you expect your homework to be nightly?
I expect the homework to take 40 minutes maximum.
6. What do you grade your students on?
I grade my students on readiness, productivity, homework, and tests.
7. Do you have a wish list?
Markers, scissors, flash drives, and colored pencils.
8. What are the major tests students can expect this quarter?
The major tests students can expect this quarter are chapter tests in history and spelling and grammar assessments.
9. What things can the students do to prepare for the tests?
Students can prepare for tests by using study guides and quiz games, and rereading the text.
10. What extra credit can they do to earn a 4/advanced?
The extra credit they can do is write more essays for Writer’s Workshop.
11. What if the parent wants to know what field trips are coming up related to your curriculum?
The parents can look at field trip forms and back to school night.
12. What supplies do students need to bring for this class?
Pencils, binder reminder (homework planner), markers and hand held pencil sharpener.
13. Are there any websites students can go to or activities at home?
They can go to Brain Pop.
Interview by Sasha Culvahouse, Lena Samuels and Lydia Thelemaque