Willard Auction & Gala

Willard Spring Auction & Dance Party
Saturday, April 14, 2018, 5:30-10 PM

*at a new location this year…Neyborly Poet’s Corner

Save the date for Willard’s biggest fundraiser and adults only event of the year! Every year we raise money to provide funding critical to our beloved cooking and gardening program, counseling services, our afterschool sports program, field trips, classroom technology, Spring Day, Pi Day and more.


The best donations come from our generous Willard community. Each week for the next 6 weeks, the solicitation team will be requesting a certain type of item we need to make this year’s auction a success. Pick a week (or two or three!) and give what you can to make this fundraiser a wild success.

Week 1 (2/12-2/18): Like parties?

Donate a party to the Willard Auction. Come up with a party idea, and we’ll sell tickets to your party at the auction and raise a LOT of money for the Willard PTA. It’s fun and easy, and it brings our community together! Some people like to throw an elaborate event for 30+ people—others prefer to do something small, for just 5 or 6. Host at your home, team up with a friend or two to throw a party together, or host an event at a local business. Some ideas: A roving dinner party (you just make one course!). Ladies night in. A chocolate tasting. A cooking class. See more ideas and fill out the Party Donation Form, or reach out to Jenn Guitart to brainstorm. jenn.guitart@gmail.com or 510-759-5090

Week 2 (2/19-2/25): Think Big

Do you, a family member, or good friend have a vacation home? Or do you have awesome season sports or theater tickets and are willing to donate a set? We need live auction items and these getaways and special events tickets are a must-have. General Donation Form

Week 3 (2/26-3/4): Think Outside the Box

We’re looking for one-of-a-kind opportunities to auction off (examples: get on the Jumbotron at a Giants game; meet a local celebrity, tour a work-place). Who do you know? What work or personal connections do you have!? Get creative. General Donation Form

Week 4 (3/5-3/11): Bring in Your Bottles

We need wine. Nice bottles to auction off as well as party drinking wine for enjoying at the event. There will be a volunteer every morning this week from 8:30-9:00 at drop off collecting your donation. Or drop off in the Willard Office anytime. For questions, contact Jennifer Obidah jobidah@gmail.com 510-309-7804.

Week 5 (3/12-3/17): Become a Sponsor

Do you own a business or work for one that would like to gain exposure within the Willard Community or just simply wants to support our great school? Become a sponsor by donating $150 or more and see your business name and logo “up in lights” at the event.

Week 6 (3/18): Auction Tickets Go on Sale

Event tickets available for sale online at here at www.willardpta.org and at the Willard Open House on March 29. Drop off your last-minute donations in the Willard office!

And it’s absolutely ok to donate any of the above ANYTIME!

Questions? Contact willlardspringauction@gmail.com.